In the last few decades the cost of raw materials and labour went through severe turbulences. In particular the labour cost gap between Countries has convinced many companies to purchase components abroad as well as to subcontract work or services to foreign suppliers. Regretfully the habit of operating in a confined world together with the lack of knowledge about purchasing goods or subcontracting work abroad is currently restricting many companies from enjoying advantages such as purchasing prices cheaper than usual and such to have a positive influence on selling price of their products.
Thanks to the established collaboration with DFL Business Company in Shanghai having local offices in many China districts and to a deep knowledge of companies in Countries traditionally involved in subcontracting such as Eastern Europe and Turkey, we can not just source excellent purchasing or subcontracting opportunities but also look after the whole supply cycle thus avoiding any sort of problems.
Smart purchasing and subcontracting for better selling prices, then, is one more option that we offer to the companies willing to become strong international players.